- Simple Lazy (Web)
- Hidden Discord (Misc)
- Resign Letter (Reverse Engineering)
- Medellín Cartel (OSINT)
- Last Hope (Network)
1. Simple Lazy (Web)
We are given a php website with a search form, and 3 links on the site.
With further investigation, we found that the Link 1 & Link 2 give us some information about Linux, Ubuntu, Debian but Link 3 showed a php error message.
Based on the error, it seems that the website may be vulnerable to Local File Inclusion (LFI) attack.
Found a github repo that shows us how to exploit Local File Inclusion (LFI). We can use the LFI with the php://filter to read the source code of page3.php in base64.
Decode page3.php base64 and follow to esdasxasdcessxsadx.php.
The flag is there nice RWSC{S1MPL3_4ND_L4ZY}
2. Hidden Discord (Misc)
For this challenge, we obtained an invite link to a discord server named Hidden Discord.
Goes straight to the discord server owner profile and check for any clue or flags!
Looks like the owner have a role named hidden roles. Maybe there is flag in the roles description or something.
The topic of text channel hints also gave us a hint to look at the roles.
But I can't seem to find a way to look deeper into the roles and continue to look into another obvious section of the discord server.
There's an event happening now on the server. By clicking on the event, we can see the event details with a PART 3 for the flag that is d3v3l0p3r_. We also have a clue to Find the CATegory? 🐈⬛🐈. Maybe we need to find a cat that knows how to use discord :3. I continue the adventure...
By peeking into the voice channel chat, we got the PART 1 of the flag which is RWSC{r34d_.
I happened to notice something is off with server icon. The server icon got an odd color on the white background. I used Discord Web and Inspect Element to try to download the server icon and check the image.
Looks like we found another part. I used the given icon link from discord to enlarge it using the size parameter.
The PART 5 of the flag is r3f3r3nc3}.
RWSC{r34d_ - PART 1
- PART 2
d3v3l0p3r_ - PART 3
- PART 4
r3f3r3nc3} - PART 5
2 more parts to go. I continue to look for the cat in server members using the search and found the cat. The cat doesn't seem to be appeared in the member list. Maybe because he have the hidden roles.
Here I got stuck to find the last 2 parts of the flag but then I remembered there is a discord bot that can give information about the server details in deep. Maybe some API or something that can help me to find the last 2 parts of the flag.
Tried to read the discord api documentation and found a way to retrieve server info using api. So I started to CURL the server info.
└─$ curl https://discord.com/api/v9/guilds/1202263455466541096 -H "Authorization: <REDACTED>"
and we got the response with the PART 2 of the flag which is d15c0rd_.
"id": "1202265647393021994",
"name": "PART 2:d15c0rd_",
"description": null,
"permissions": "0",
"position": 2,
"color": 0,
"hoist": false,
"managed": false,
"mentionable": false,
"icon": null,
"unicode_emoji": null,
"flags": 0
~~btw I started to guess the flag here lmao.~~
Then I continue to play around with the discord api around the channel category and found a hit for our PART 4 of the flag which is API_.
└─$ curl https://discord.com/api/v9/guilds/1202263455466541096/channels -H "Authorization: <REDACTED>"
"id": "1202265477645082685",
"type": 4,
"flags": 0,
"guild_id": "1202263455466541096",
"name": "PART 4:API_",
"parent_id": null,
"position": 1,
"permission_overwrites": [
"id": "1202263455466541096",
"type": 0,
"allow": "0",
"deny": "410112263454033"
Combine it all together and we got the flag RWSC{r34d_d15c0rd_d3v3l0p3r_API_r3f3r3nc3}
3. Resign Letter (Reverse Engineering)
We are given a zip file that contains a .dotm file. Searching through google that we know that the file is a Word 2007 template file.
But what we have to reverse on a Microsoft Word file?! I don't have any idea. So I binwalk the file to see a bunch of file inside it then extracted it all.
I lost and try to google for Word Reverse Engineering and found this useful blog post on How to reverse engineer MSWord malware. This is so helpful because the question said the .dotm file was detected as a virus.
Going through all the files, I found a the similar vbaProject.bin file in zip that we extracted.
I found a useful decompiler for the VBA bin file that is pcode2code and decompile the vbaProject.bin file.
Welp, we found a link to an .exe file and proceed to download it. Fool me, think it was now the time to do the "real Reverse Engineering" on the .exe file. I used Ghidra to decompile it and found nothing.
I was stuck and then i tried to just view the .exe strings.
Here I found the command to add user with the password in base64 as the flag... It was this easy after all T_T.
Decode the password and we got the flag RWSC{p@ss123}
4. Medellín Cartel (OSINT)
For this OSINT challenge, we are given a tree information about the Medellín Cartel. I am stuck(skill issue). And maybe I am not a good detective T_T.
Not until the hint released!!
Hint 3#
Okay here's the clue.. After all day, u guys deserve this.
Medellin Cartel:
You might think the given picture, is useless. Guessy. But its not. If u are about to investigate a crime group. You have to criminal-profile every single member of the group. E.g what they do, eat, visit, etc. If u recon, Blacky AKA Nelson Hernandez is the only sicarios that has went to uniten IG. U should focus on that acc only. For real - If u went to other sicarios, u will get lost. Next step? Technical stuff. Dig the flag inside the IG, metadata is there. That is how u profile someone, dig deeper as u could on that acc.
My teammate found the blacky account on Instagram. I used the exiftool to extract the metadata of the image but no luck. Tried a lot of metadata but still no luck.
Until I wanted to tried to inspect the instagram page and search for the flag format RWSC and bingo!!
We found the flag on the alt text of the instagram post profile feed image. RWSC{Bl4cky_S1c4r1o}
5. Last Hope (Network)
For this challenge, we are given a cap file. As I opened the cap file using Wireshark, I already saw the SSID for the network.
I go straight to Wireless > WLAN Traffic as we know that we are dealing with a WiFi Connection.
Now as we got the address for the Connection, I tried to filter the traffic using the MAC Address to find a wethere there is complete EAPOL 4 of 4 handshake.
As we got the complete handshake, I tried to use aircrack-ng to crack the password using wifite.txt wordlist instead of rockyou.txt.
└─$ aircrack-ng -w /usr/share/wordlists/wifite.txt -b 7e:7f:a3:4c:5c:1a RAWSECWIFI-01.cap
and we got the flag as RWSC{anonymous}